FullStack Developer Roadmap 2021

Hi Folks,
Currently, most of the newcomers are planning to go for full-stack development.
What is a full-stack developer?

A person who can develop the entire application (both client and server).
- Master all the techniques involved in a development project.
- Can provide help to all the team members
- Can reduce the cost of the project
- Can reduce the time used for team communication
- The solution chosen can be dependent on developer skills
- The solution chosen can be wrong for the project
- Being a full-stack developer is increasingly complex
Things to skip…. Trust me it's not worthy :/
I am going to share my experience as a full-stack developer. However, my journey was quite interesting and adventurous.
I started my career as an HTML developer and got work for a WordPress CMS to develop a portal. Phew!!!! I did that :(
Then I started working in PHP just to make the header and footer reusable (Yes those were static website )
Then I got a chance to work with jQuery, my long term smart and stupid friend for few years, but I am still missing it :/
Huh!!! I was on the wrong path. But that was the main thing that makes me curious to learn new stuff.
Then I have learned Angular 2+ and work for 2 years for no reason. I was a fan of angular and I used to fight with my friends over the angular. (trust me I hate angular nowadays)
And then I was started learning every new thing which I thought I should use for any live project.
So learned React, EJS, Angular, Python, NodeJS, ExpressJS, mySQL, mongoDB, SASS, LESS, AEM, Intershop, MustacheJS, HandlebarsJS, BackboneJS, jQuery, ES6, PHP, ASP, JSP, C#, .NET MVC, Drupal, Magento, OpenCart, Photshop
No doubt I learned a lot of tech stacks but it took many years.
It can be done in a limited time if you will have the roadmap.
Apologies for the boring story of my journey from HTML developer to FullStack Developer.
Let’s get started.
Is designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets and scripting languages such as JavaScript and mandatory for all web developers
Must read:
- Basic HTML and DOM
- Form
- HTML5 APIs (Storage)
A beginner can start from w3schools
CSS — Styling for web pages (Makeup HTML)
Must read:
- Selectors (class, ID, element, attribute, pseudo)
- Box Model
- Position (absolute, fixed, relative)
- Flex, Grid
- Media Query (screen, print)
Javascript is the programming language of the Web.
Must read:
- Basics (var, loop, statements)
- Scope
- Closure
- Functions
- DOM manipulation
- Event handling
Also, read these articles.
React is an open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications.
Must read:
- Components
- Hooks
- Router
- Data binding
- State Management
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.
Must read:
- File Storage (CRUD)
- OS
- Events
- Sync and Async
- Event Loop
Develop very first API
Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
Must read:
- Middlewares
- Routing
- Error Handling
- Debugging
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Crypto
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system. Its name is a combination of “My”, the name of co-founder Michael Widenius’s daughter, and “SQL”, the abbreviation for Structured Query Language
This is not necessary but basic knowledge will definitely help you with the relational database management system.
MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas
Must read:
- Databases
- collections
- Schema
- Aggregation
Live Project and Deployments
Woohoo!!!!!!! 🥳 🥳
You did it….. now it's time to develop something with a real-world solution.
Project Ideas
- Blog (CRUD)
- Todo App
- Chat Bot
- Quiz App
Congratulations!!! You’re now a full-stack developer. 😎
You can now consider yourself as a one-man army. 🤝
Feel free to apply for a job.
All the best <Happy Code />