Roadmap | Zero to Hero in JavaScript
JavaScript is a programming language used both on the client-side and server-side that allows you to make web pages interactive.
- Popularity. JavaScript is used everywhere on the web.
- Gives the ability to create rich interfaces.
- Easy to learn and implement.
- Browser Support. JavaScript is sometimes interpreted differently by different browsers. Difficult to write cross-browser code.
- Code is always visible to everyone on the client side.
Advise before start
Learn how the web works and the Basic HTML and CSS.
Pillars of JavaScript
I split into seven sections
- Fundamentals
- Advance Level
- Web Platform
- Tools
- Frameworks and Libraries
- Testing
- Security
1. Fundamentals
This is the most important section, It might take time but it's worth learning to go for advance level smoothly.
- Variables, Types, and Expressions
- Functions
- Array
- Objects
- Loops
- IF, Switch Statements
- Lexical structures
- Data Structures
- Control Flow
- Operators
- Type Conversation
- Scope
- Events
- Counter App
- Todo App (CRUD)
2. Advanced Level
- Try Catch
- Callbacks
- Promises
- Async Await
- Error handling
- Modules
- Closure
- Timers
- Prototyping
- Inheritance
- Binding
- Regular Expressions
- Unicode
- Event Loops
- Generators
- Ludo Dice (with Score)
- Quiz Game
3. Web Platform
- Cookies
- Web Storage
- Fetch
- APIs
- DOM Manipulation
- Service Workers
- Messenger
- eCommerce Prototype (API Integration)
- Todo App (Store Data on Browser)
4. Tools
- TypeScript
- Node, NPM / Yarn
- Webpack or Grunt / Gulp
- Babel
- ESLint
- Setup ES6 project using webpack and babel
5. Frameworks / Libraries
- React
- Vue
- Angular
- ExpressJS
- Migrate all the existing apps (eCommerce Prototype, Todo App) in all the above techs individiually.
6. Testing (Anyone)
- Jest
- Mocha
- Jasmine
- Perform test cases for TodoApp
7. Security
- Synk
- Security fixes for all the existing apps
Platform to learn
You’re now all set to get your dream job and help the dev community by creating the best solutions.
All the best :)
$ { Happy Learning }